January 26, 2012

Oh the Joys

I had my three hour glucose test this morning.  That means I failed the standard one hour test, had to fast for ten hours, and then sit through three more hours with no food and four blood draws.  Do you know how hard it is for a pregnant woman (with twins) to go with out food for that long?  Granted most of the fasting was overnight, but I generally eat a snack or two during one of  my middle of the night trips to the bathroom.  And I always wake up famished in the morning.  But I made it through the test!
For a little treat Todd took me to eat some of the worst food on earth (although very tasty).  I figure if the test comes back positive for gestationall diabetes, this could be my last junk food splurge before they put me on a diet for the next two months. 
And no, I'm not a regular fast-foodie.  We eat pretty well actually, even with being pregnant... I don't feel like I pig out all of the time or anything.  I do eat more often, but its usually good things. As I'm writing this I realise that I am still trying to convince myself that failing the first test wasn't my fault.  Which it wasn't.
Let's hope I passed today's test!

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