July 28, 2011

More Wedding Weekend...

Sunday evening we all  took a walk down to the waterfront in Hood River.  It was a beautiful night and a perfect ending to a busy couple of days.
I am still coming down from the emotional high of it all.  I'm very proud of my husband (it was his first time officiating, and he did excellent), and so so thankful that my brother married such a wonderful woman. They sure have made us all very happy!

(The last picture is for Lauren! She made Carson these undies for Christmas.)

July 26, 2011

Wedding Weekend

The view from the vineyards where the wedding was held. I have no pictures from the actual wedding, but it was a day just as beautiful as this...thank God!

The rest of these were all taken the night of the lovely rehearsal dinner hosted by my parents at the Columbia Gorge Hotel. The lighting is really off on the one of Todd and I, but it's one of few pictures of us from the weekend!

July 25, 2011

Hood River

My brother got married this weekend! The wedding was Saturday at a beautiful vineyard near Hood River.   Todd and I spent Thursday night at a historic hotel downtown.  It was a nice little mini vacation before the busyness of the wedding events started.  I'll post more pictures of the weekend in the next few days.
Their wedding was just amazing, and we are all brimming with happiness for Kevin and Lauren!

July 20, 2011

Wedding Jam

We made the prettiest jars of jam for my brother's wedding...which is this Saturday! Lauren has put a ton of hard work into making their wedding personal and reflect their taste.  I just can't wait to see it all come together!

July 14, 2011

Hippie Shoes

I got these baby shoes last weekend in Sunriver at a little imports store we all went to.  I just couldn't resist. They even have little bells on them!  I have a few other baby things stashed around the house just waiting to be worn... hopefully sooner than later.

Unfortunately, all of the pictures I took from our bachelorette party weekend in Sunriver turned out awful, and I just can't post them. But it was a ton of fun! I am so glad that Lauren invited us.

July 5, 2011

Independence Day

We had over twenty five people here at our little house yesterday! It was mostly Todd's family plus a few good friends.  Todd's cousins were in town from California with their ten month old, plus Todd's brother is on leave from Cuba (for the birth of his son!), so it was really a good time to get everyone together.  I was pretty excited to have such a fun holiday to plan a party around, and borrowed some cool vintage stuff from my dad to make the Americana festiveness complete.  Here's to our friend Nathan for putting up with "the taking of the family photo"!  He did a good job, and so did his lovely assistant/wife Jenny (in the cowboy hat).
After everyone had left, the day ended with what seemed like every single neighbor shooting off a ridiculous amount of fireworks while we were just trying to relax and watch Seinfeld.  It didn't do poor Brody and good either.
Happy Independence day and humbug to the fireworks!

July 1, 2011

Women & Country

This album is fantastic and I have been listening to it a ton lately.  I think it just might be my favorite from him so far.