July 5, 2011

Independence Day

We had over twenty five people here at our little house yesterday! It was mostly Todd's family plus a few good friends.  Todd's cousins were in town from California with their ten month old, plus Todd's brother is on leave from Cuba (for the birth of his son!), so it was really a good time to get everyone together.  I was pretty excited to have such a fun holiday to plan a party around, and borrowed some cool vintage stuff from my dad to make the Americana festiveness complete.  Here's to our friend Nathan for putting up with "the taking of the family photo"!  He did a good job, and so did his lovely assistant/wife Jenny (in the cowboy hat).
After everyone had left, the day ended with what seemed like every single neighbor shooting off a ridiculous amount of fireworks while we were just trying to relax and watch Seinfeld.  It didn't do poor Brody and good either.
Happy Independence day and humbug to the fireworks!

1 comment:

Layne Street said...

I thought of you guys yesterday. We had such a great time with you both last fourth of July! Great post.