Jude learned how to roll over onto his tummy while we were at the beach last week. He had been working on it for a week or so and finally got the shoulder figured out. I am so proud of my little boy! Since then he has been rolling every chance he gets. In the swing, in the jogging stroller, right over the top of his sister,
in his crib at night while swaddled....yeah, scary!
Ivy can roll from her tummy to her back, but she's still working on the back-to-tummy roll. So far she doesn't seem too motivated, and I'm ok with that!
Ever since the rolling over began, Jude has been acting like a crazy baby! I didn't realize it until my mom pointed it out, but I guess this is a growth spurt. We had a pretty nice little routine/schedule going before last week which is sadly now out the window. He is hungry at odd times, and even after I feed him he acts like he hasn't had enough (very nerve racking for any breastfeeding mother!). One minute he will be smiling and cooing....but within seconds he is screaming for more food and can barely calm down enough to eat. Naps are a fight although he is very visibly tired and needs some sleep. I think just wants to stay up and play! Unfortunately I am afraid to leave the house for long because he has been eating so often.
I know Jude is growing because he jumped a clothing size within a week. But sheesh! How long can this last? Somebody please tell me there is an end in sight and that we can get back to our fairly predictable routine soon! Poor Ivy has been going along with the chaos, eating when her brother eats and hanging in there with the screaming. I'm very proud of her. Meanwhile I am trying to maintain some sense of control, but I think I just need to roll with it too.